How to Fix a Bike Chain That Keeps Falling Off

How to Fix a Bike Chain That Keeps Falling Off

A well-functioning bike chain is essential for a smooth and safe ride. However, a common problem that many cyclists face is a bike chain that keeps falling off. This can be frustrating and even dangerous, as it can cause the rider to lose control of the bike. In this article, we will provide step-by-step instructions … Read more

Mountain Biking for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know Before You Start

Mountain biking for beginners

In 2019, approximately 8.62 million Americans aged 6+ years participated in mountain/non-paved surface biking. Clearly, this is a truly valuable activity for millions of people. So, what is mountain biking and what makes it so great? In simple terms, it’s all about riding your bicycle on different types of off-road trails. To enjoy the experience, you need … Read more

Best App for Mountain Biking Trails

best app for mountain biking trails

In this article, we’ve rounded up the 10 best apps for mountain biking that will take your ride to the next level. From trail finders like Trailforks and MTB Project, to fitness trackers like Strava, to navigation tools like AllTrails, these apps help you get the most out of every ride. We’ll cover the key features of each app and how they can enhance your mountain biking experience.

5 Bike Riding Tips for Beginners

Bike Riding Tips for Beginners

You’re anxious to get out there and start enjoying your bike. Sure, anybody can ride a bike, but learning to pedal efficiently, to stop quickly, and to handle difficult situations takes preparation and practice. Here’s a short introduction to riding techniques that will help you enjoy biking more. 1. Bike Braking Tips Sounds simple, and … Read more

Best Cheap Bike for Commuting & City Riding

Best Cheap Bike for Commuting & City Riding

Introduction: Competitive and cooperative. This is a topic about which opinions differ greatly. Involving such a personal item as the bicycle, which delivers so much satisfaction (to one comfortable with it), for use in such a critical and stressful environment as city traffic, it is not surprising to find some passionately held views about what bicycle … Read more

How to Ride Your Bike in the Rain

How to Ride Your Bike in the Rain

Regardless of where you live (except for the Sahara, perhaps), if you put in hours on your bike, sooner or later you will have to ride in the rain. Even though I’ve lived most of my life in Southern California-where the rainy season isn’t exactly legendary-I’ve had my fill of rain-riding experience. I’ve raced and … Read more

How to Train for a Century Ride In One Month

How to Train for a Century Ride

Many of us aspire to ride centuries. There is something about riding 100 miles in a day that is appealing–it brands you as a serious cyclist. The trick is to do it without turning your body into a walking mass of sore, stiff muscles for a week afterward. Let’s face it, you won’t ride centuries … Read more