Best kick scooters for commuting

In the past kick scooters were mainly used and known for kids. However, in the recent times adults too are using kick scooters for commuting. They are being used either for leisure in parks or economical mode of movement from one place to another or around the neighborhood. In some places it is used for sports. Use of scooters comes with benefits since one is able to exercise the body and it doesn’t pollute the environment. What’s more a scooter is a cheap machine and easy to learn how to use it. It is also an amazing chance to meet new friends and socialize in the estates.
Which are the Best Kick Scooters For Commuting?
Razor A5 lux kick scooter
It is made from aluminum which ensures its durability. They are commonly known for their light weight of around 4.5 kilograms with the capability of carrying a rider’s weight of a maximum of 100 kilograms. It is easy to fold for store or carry while commuting thus making it the best kick scooters for commuting. Razor A5 lux has big wheels and rear brakes; this help in controlling the speed. However, it has a small deck hence when one has large feet it might be difficult to place both of your feet.
They are flexible
Easy to build speed
Affordable and from a well-known brand
- Breaks wear with time
Exooter M2050 black kick scooter
It is an aluminum-made scooter, black in color. It has an immaculate design with world-class technology incorporated. Here the wheels differ in size since the front wheel is bigger than the rear wheel having a diameter of 240mm and 190 mm respectively. This enables one to ride a scooter in uneven pavements with ease. Due to its technological advancement, one is able to fold the scooter and keep it in a backpack. It is ideal for those who commute to work daily, ride to class or move around the neighborhood.
It is strong
Can be ridden on rough grounds
Has state of the art technology
- It may be a little expensive
Globber one kick scooter
Globber one is made from a high quality metal with coat powder finishing. It has big wheels which enable the scooter to withstand rough rides, with a diameter of 188mm. The wheels are made from polyurethane ensuring the wheels rebound even after riding on tough terrains. Globber has rear brakes connected to handle bar enabling you easily control the speed with your hands thus making it one of the best kick scooters for commuting. They are easy to fold and carry when not riding weighing 12 pounds. They are ideal when moving around the neighborhood or even walking a pet.
Has brakes
Easy to fold
Ideal for any age group
Fuzion cityglideB200 kick scooter
This kick scooter is made from light aluminum metal which is actually considered the lightest and one of the best kick scooters for commuting. It has big wheels with 200 mm diameter embedded with polyurethane. It has two brakes the rear wheel brakes and hand brake on the handle bar ensuring one is able to control the scooter even at high speed.
Easy to control
It is cheap
Has two parallel breaking system
Xootr Mg scooter kick scooter
This is a top quality scooter, where the deck is made from magnesium. It has an advanced braking system with both the front and rear wheel. The rear wheel brakes are attached on the handle bar this help control speeds. It has a wide deck, this helps place your feet on deck for easy maneuvering. This has to be the best kick scooters for commuting.
It is of light weight
It is portable
Has a wide deck
Micro kickboard kick scooter
This is a two wheeled scooter which has a high T-bar making it ideal and comfortable for tall riders. It has a low deck this ensures safe landing in case of a fall. It has shock absorbing grips; this ensures a fun ride and soft on ones hands. It has a stand and fenders both at front and rear wheel. Its wheels are made of polyurethane and have a diameter 200mm.
The handlebar is adjustable from 26 to 38 inches and can carry a weight of 220 pounds. Micro kick board scooter easily folds and is a convenient to persons who commute or park in a car boot.
Can easily fold and carry
The rider has no height limitations
Ideal kick scooter for commuting
Outon pro
This is an aluminum two wheeled kick scooter. Its handlebars are designed like bat wings this helps easy maneuvering. It is available in the market in two colors. Outon pro kick scooter is specifically designed for riders who like to explore and try new stunts.
It has ABEC-9bearing ratings helps it have high performance and move faster thus making it one of the best kick scooters for commuting. It is hence the ideal kick scooter to impress other rides. It has a low and rectangular deck weighing at 8.6 pounds. The scooter has a step on steel fender on the rear wheel used for brakes.
Easy to fold
It is a high performance and fast scooter
- Exooter M1050bk foldable cruiser kick scooter
This is a two wheeled aluminum made kick scooter. It has a fender on the rear wheel which is also used as step on breaks. The scooter has suspension both on its front and rear wheel. The suspension absorbs shock hence making it one of the best kick scooters for commuting; the ride is usually comfortable and fun. It is easily foldable and comes in a variety of colors. It has a diameter wheel of 200mm and can carry a maximum weight of 220lbs.
- Go-ped know-ped kick scooter
This is a two wheeled kick scooter made from aircraft aluminum hence making it durable and light weight. It has both the front and rear wheel brakes, this helps control speeds. The Go- ped scooter has large wheels, they ensure a smooth and comfortable ride.
It is easily foldable hence making very portable. It is a strong kick scooter for commuting since it can carry a maximum weight of 180 kilograms.
**How to choose the best scooter For Commuting
Before shopping for a scooter, it is advisable to always do some research and have some background information about the machine. The research will help you to not blindly buy the scooter just for the heck of buying, but also offer guidance on fundamental features to check for to suit your goals while buying a kick scooter.
Main features of a kick scooter
Wheels—both front and rear
Other features—brakes stands, fenders and stand
Knowing the pros and cons of each feature helps you decide on the best kick scooters for commuting to buy that suits your desired goals. For instance, wheels are the most basic components to check for. Scooter wheels are made from plastic core. The plastic made wheels ensures the scooter is of light weight and has a grip on the ground. The plastic is embedded with polyurethane ensuring the wheel is wear resistant and rebound to its original shape after weight compression.
There are two types of wheels large and small. They both come with their own pros and cons respectively. Large wheels are commonly known for fast and comfortable since they absorb vibrations while maneuvering around. However, scooters with large wheels can be cumbersome since they are heavy weight making them hard to lug around. While scooters made from small wheels are slow with vibrations; they are portable.
The deck is the other most crucial part of the scooter to check for. The deck is where one place their foot while moving around. Here two concepts fall into place deck size and height. There are two types of decks the large and small size. The deck size is always directly proportional to the wheel size. Hence, if the ideal idea of the scooter is for leisure and comfortability go for large decks but if it’s for transport and you may be required to use public transport choose a small deck.
The deck height is an aspect that influences the comfortability of a kick scooter. In general, the trick hereis to go for a lower deck that ensures comfortability. With a low deck one does not require to bend their knee much of the leg standing on the deck to be able to push the other feet against the ground. In bearings, the bearing rating is directly proportional to performance. One is always advised to opt for a scooter with high bearing rating ensuring top performance.
Suspensions are known to absorb shock. They are usually springs installed at the front wheel. However there are some models that have shock absorbers in both the front and rear wheel. Suspensions comes with both its advantages and disadvantages. Suspensions are mostly put in place for comfortability but they are add more weight to your scooter. Shock absorbers are optional in some kick scooter, in case you don’t need shock absorbers opt for the brand without.
Most scooters don’t have brakes, mostly one stops by use of their foot. However, having brakes on your scooter will be a well and promising informed idea. The bicycle style brakes are ideal for a scooter, this will help stop the machine in case of an emergency. Having all the parts information in check, the best kick scooter always zero into three key considerations.
Comfortability—here if leisure and enjoyment are the priority, opt for a low deck with large wheels to satisfy your goals.
Performance—one looking for speed always go for the overall light weight, large wheels and high bearing rating.
Convenience— one may decide to use the scooter on daily basics or you may be required to commute public transport. Choose a scooter that will not inconvenience you. Choose that with small wheels and light weight.
Always try to purchase a kick scooter that suits your budget. If possible it is advisable to go for a test drive and examine the machine at close proximity. However, if the test drive isn’t possible purchase your product from a well-known authorized brand or local distributor with warranty coverage.
Using kick scooters are both economical and engage the body in exercise. This helps ensure your body is fit and is resistant to any lifestyle disease. One is also able to move from one location to another with ease without polluting the air. More often riders discover their most favorable kick scooter after owning a few other different brands. Hence, advisable to not only stick to kind of scooter.
There are also electric scooters in the market ridden on bike lanes. However, always check whether they are legal to ride in your city. They can be a perfect choice mode of movement to move around in traffic congested towns. However electrical scooters are more expensive than manual scooters.They comes with a variety of colors and designs, one is required to make a personal choice and choose their desired color and style.
Taking care of the best scooters for commuting
Before buying a scooter ensure its spare parts are readily available and at friendly prices. Some of the most fundamental parts are wheels and bearing. Which at some later date you are assured a must change due to wear and tear. Always ensure while buying the best kick scooters for commuting you are given accessories to mend your scooter just in case of a break down for example a spanner to tighten nuts and bolts. For your scooter to last long always ensure, it is well maintained by simply washing and drying using a clean cloth. Store your scooter appropriately where it is not prone to harsh weather conditions.
Oil the scooter’s moving parts to reduce wear and tear caused by friction. Wipe off excessive grease to ensure it stays clean and not prone to rust. While riding a scooter always ensure your safety precautions are put in place. A helmet is a must have, this ensures your head is well protected in case of an accident. Have a reflector jacket, this ensures other riders or drivers can see you and avoid any collision. As always it is wise to wear knee guards; this protects your knees from injury in an eventuality of a fall.